Invitation to Participate
Koinonia is a Spiritual Community

Koinonia celebrates music. Share special music. Join the musicians. Add your voice and musical talent to the community.

Community Garden
Koinonia Community Garden was established in 2011. Individual plots are rented annually. The gardeners seek to be stewards of the land, grow food organically, create habitat for pollinators, and donate surplus food. By eating locally grown food gardeners reduce their carbon footprint. It's a place to sow seeds of hope for a sustainable future.

Koinonia offers a labyrinth located southeast of the parking lot. It’s a spiritual tool meant to awaken connections within and around you.
Use it as a walking meditation . . a path for prayer or sit on the bench and enjoy the beauty of our valley. We welcome the wider community!

Cross-Cultural Experiences
Koinonia supports cross-cultural experiences and creates partnerships for sustainable change. People from Koinonia have been traveling to El Salvador since 2006. Working through ESNA Village Network, Koinonia has helped to bring educational opportunities to rural El Salvador by building homes & classrooms, providing scholarships for students, and sponsoring teachers. Other efforts have included supporting health clinics, dental care, ecological stoves, and disaster relief. Trips are planned annually.
Here are a few ways to donate:
Checks can be made out to Koinonia with
"El Salvador" on the memo line.
You may donate directly to ESNA as well using the button below. Please let ESNA know that the money is for the Grand Junction work projects.