Facility Use
Koinonia currently shares space with River Canyon Preschool and Center for Spiritual Living as well as hosting New Dimensions classes, so availability varies. If you are interested in renting our space:
View our calendar to see if events are already scheduled, although the calendar itself does not guarantee availability.
View our Facility Use Policy by clicking here. This policy includes our guidelines and fee schedule.
Contact our administrator, Bonnie, at administrator@koinoniagj.org or call the office at (970) 242-3947 to ask any questions and inquire about availability.
After talking with our administrator, complete the Facility Rental Request by clicking here. You may print and mail your completed form to Koinonia Church at 730 25 Road, Grand Junction, CO or arrange for a time to drop it off at the office along with your deposit fee. If you are comfortable filling out the form digitally, you can also email it to administrator@koinonia.org and then make arrangements for the deposit fee.