If America Became a Christian Nation
During this month of July, we are looking into the question of our nation’s religious identity. We are asking what our American spiritual...

Invention of a Christian Nation
Our religious national identity is and always has been constantly changing. Our national spiritual consciousness is and always has been...

Memorable for all the Wrong Reasons
Memorable for all the Wrong Reasons Dr. Rick Mac Arthur June 21, 2015 #koinoniagj

Re-examining the Jericho Road
Some 2000 years of deep thinking have been put into discerning the meaning of Jesus’ words. Some of that deep thinking has been helpful....

Power Versus Virtue
Power Versus Virtue June 7, 2015 #koinoniagj

Do Overs Life's Second Chances
Do Overs Life's Second Chances Dr. Rick MacArthur May 17, 2015 #koinoniagj

A Mother's Love A Mothers Pain
A Mother's Love A Mothers Pain Dr. Rick MacArthur May 10, 2015 #KoinoniaGJ