From Below
From Below November 8, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur

Message by Craig Little
Message by Craig Little October 25, 2015

Who Goofed?
Audio Message: Who Goofed? October 11, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur #KoinoniaGJ

Courage to Speak Prophetically
Courage to Speak Prophetically October 4, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur #KoinoniaGJ

A Listening Heart

Healthy and Unhealthy Religion
Healthy and Unhealthy Religion September 20, 2015 Dr. Rick MacArthur #KoinoniaGJ

Strange Things We Bless

Contradictions I saw in Los Alamos
Los Alamos NM is a lovely town. If you have been there you would speak of its charm and scenic beauty. But it also is a town of...

Long Shadows of Childhood
I am going this week to a place I have never been before. Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. I will participate in an event...

One Nation Under Gods Plural